أخر الاخبار

Preparations Russian warships in the Mediterranean Sea

a group of ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet go to the Mediterranean Sea, and in implementation of the order and Russian Defense Minister to form a permanent stationing ships in the area. And Ozkrt the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on 5 April / April, said that "a group of ships that consists of the ship" Admiral Pantilyev "anti-submarine, HMS landing two big" Berisvi "and" Admiral Nnifeleski, "and the ship" Bchinnga "for refueling and tugboat and rescue" Foti Krylov "I left the South China Sea was heading towards the Suez Canal." The ships will visit during this trip a number of ports Catering and comfort. It is scheduled to pass Russian ships in the Suez Canal in the mid / May next year

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